Dental Bridges

As a team, we want to help you achieve a fuller, more natural-looking smile with dental bridges. If you have one or more missing teeth, we encourage you to visit Dr. Brett Johnson for dental bridges in Anchorage, Alaska. Contact us today at 907-278-6684 to schedule an appointment at Alaska Smiles with our dentist!

Dental bridges are one of the many options for replacing one or more teeth and for restoring the health and function of your smile. A dental bridge is fixed, meaning it cannot be removed once placed, and is held in place by two dental crowns designed to fit comfortably in your mouth. These crowns are fixed to either your natural teeth or to dental implants that sit on either side of the missing tooth. Together, they secure your artificial tooth in position, ensure a long-lasting replacement.

Depending on your specific smile needs, your dental bridge will likely take two visits with our dentist to place. Dental bridges can be used to:

  • Ease the stress on your bite

  • Restore the natural shape and volume of your face

  • Prevent your remaining teeth from shifting

  • Restore your ability to eat, speak, chew and smile with confidence

  • Create a fuller, healthier, more attractive smile

Our team is dedicated to helping you maintain and restore your oral health. We know how important your smile is to your daily life, and we are excited to help make a positive difference. Call our office today to learn more.