Dental Implants


We know it can be difficult to go about your daily lifestyle with missing teeth, which is why we do our best to provide the most reliable dental implants to help restore your smile. If you would like to know how you can receive dental implants in Anchorage, Alaska, we welcome you to schedule a visit with our outstanding dentist, Dr. Brett Johnson. Contact Alaska Smiles today at 907-278-6684 to get started!

If you are missing one or more teeth and are looking a for high-quality replacement, our team may suggest dental implants. Because dental implants are specially crafted to bond with your bone, reinforce your natural jaw structure and support your artificial tooth, they act as an effective artificial tooth root. Depending on your specific needs, our dentist may need to begin by removing severely damaged or diseased teeth and preparing the affected area before your implant placement. Some patients require a bone grafting treatment to strengthen their jaw before the procedure.

Ideal candidates for dental implants:

  • Do not smoke tobacco

  • Have one or more missing teeth

  • Have healthy oral tissues

  • Have a strong and healthy jawbone

The dental implant procedure is split into two parts. In the first part, the artificial tooth root, also known as the implant post, is surgically inserted into the jawbone. Once your mouth has had an appropriate amount of time to heal from this surgery, the abutment post will be placed, connecting your dental restoration, whether that is a single crown, bridge or denture, to the top of the implant post. Our dentist will talk with you in advance to help determine which restoration is best to fulfill your smile goals, and we will ensure that your restoration is custom-made to fit comfortably and securely in your mouth.

To learn more about dental implants, we invite you to contact our office today and schedule a visit with our team.